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Auto Document Merge

Everything you need to know about using this extension.​


If you need any support with this extension please email us at:

Install Guide

Screenshot of the Settings Page

1. Navigate to Zoho Marketplace, Search for Auto Document Merge for Zoho CRM, or click this link.
2. Start a Free Trial and follow the procedure.
3. Once installed, it will redirect to the Setting Page of Extension.

Settings Guide

Screenshot of the Settings Page

1. The Zoho Connector is required for the extension to function however the Google Drive Connector is only required if you want to save your merged documents to a Google Drive Folder.

2. Module specific settings enable you default the merge template, format, output types and defaulted options.

3. Enable or Disable merge output types.

4. If you use a particular output type the most you can set it as a default so it is pre-selected when loading the widget.

5. Some outputs have additional options that you can default to save you having to select them each time.

6. Save your settings.

User Guide

ADM - Guide 1

1. Head to Settings > Customisation > Templates

2. Select the Mail Merge tab and ensure you have some mail merge templates ready to use.

Screenshot of the Widget

1. Click the Merge Document Button to launch the widget.

2. Select the mail merge template.

3. Select the output format.

4. Select your outputs. Only enabled outputs will appear and defaulted ones will be pre-selected.

5. Select any additional output options.

6 Click Merge to Start.

Screenshot of the Widget Merging

1. A loading screen will appear. This will take approximately 5-10 Seconds depending on the complexity of your merge document.

Screenshot of the Merge Completed Screen

1. Once the merge is complete you will have the option to run another merge.

2. Clicking Close will close and refresh the record.

Workflow Guide

ADM - WF Guide 1

1. Go to Settings > Automation > Workflow Rules.

2. Click Create Rule.

ADM - Guide 5

1. Configure your workflow trigger

2. Configure your Workflow Conditions

3. Select Instant or Scheduled Action

4. Select Merge_Action* to configure a merge action attached to your workflow.


*If you have multiple Extensions installed this may be listed as 'Custom Actions'

ADM - Guide 6

1. Select the Merge template.

2. Select the Merge format.

3. Select your Merge output.

4. Populate the output specific settings.

5. Click Save

Custom Module Guide


1. Head to Settings > Customisation > Developer Hub > Widgets

2. Click Create New Widget

3. Complete the details ensuring the following:

Type: Button

Hosting: External

Base URL:

4. Click Save


1. Head to Settings > Customisation > Modules & Fields > Select your custom module

2. Click the Buttons Tab

3. Click Create New Button


1. Enter the Button Name, Layout and Profile Permissions

2. Ensure you select the following:

Button placement: In Record

Position: Details


1. Click Define and action to be performed

2. Select Open a Widget

3. Find the widget you created and click Install button

4. Click Save

  • I'm stuck on the widgets loading screen
    As the extension uses the Zoho API to perform the merges, check that the users profile has access to the Zoho API. Head to: Settings > Security Control > Profiles > Developer Permissions > Zoho CRM API Access
  • I don't have any merge templates
    Ensure that you have Zoho CRM Mail Merge Templates configured for the Module. Go to Settings > Customization > Tempaltes > Mail Merge
  • I don't have any from emails
    The extension can only send emails from "Organisational" Emails. Head to: Settings > Channels > Email > Organisational Emails Ensure that you have added organisational emails to your Zoho CRM account.
  • I keep getting "An Error has Occurred" popup
    Open the extension settings: Settings > Marketplace > All > Auto Document Merge for Zoho CRM > Settings Check the Connector Status and Re-Authorise the extension connectors by clicking the green button and try merging again. If you continue to receive this error please reach out to our support team at and one of our team members will be in touch with you to assist with your issue.


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